Studio People Mockups

Say goodbye to dull, generic stock photos and take your designs to new heights with our dynamic and versatile collection!

Female chef with a Google Pixel mockup in her hand
Female chef with a Google Pixel mockup in her hand
Google Pixel 6 mockup held by culinary expert
Google Pixel 6 mockup held by culinary expert
The head of the kitchen with a Google Pixel 6 mockup
The head of the kitchen with a Google Pixel 6 mockup
Culinary styled Google Pixel 6 mockup
Culinary styled Google Pixel 6 mockup
Framing the flavors with a Pixel 6 mockup
Framing the flavors with a Pixel 6 mockup
Chef tenant fermement un iPhone et un pain
Chef tenant fermement un iPhone et un pain
Female chef shines with iPhone mockup
Female chef shines with iPhone mockup
Chef de cuisine with an iPad Air mockup
Chef de cuisine with an iPad Air mockup
Gastronomist holding an iPad mockup
Gastronomist holding an iPad mockup
Chef confidently holding an iPhone 14 Pro mockup
Chef confidently holding an iPhone 14 Pro mockup
Chef's creations spotlighted with iPhone mockup
Chef's creations spotlighted with iPhone mockup
Chef and iPhone elegance
Chef and iPhone elegance
iPad Air mockup in the hands of female chef
iPad Air mockup in the hands of female chef
Female chef holding an iPad Air mockup
Female chef holding an iPad Air mockup
Mockup d'un iPhone mockup tourné, tenu par un homme en chemise claire
Mockup d'un iPhone mockup tourné, tenu par un homme en chemise claire
Homme debout tenant un iPhone mockup
Homme debout tenant un iPhone mockup
Mockup de l'iPhone que l'homme tient à deux mains
Mockup de l'iPhone que l'homme tient à deux mains
Homme en chemise claire tenant l'iPhone mockup près du visage
Homme en chemise claire tenant l'iPhone mockup près du visage
Gros plan de l'iPhone mockup à côté du visage de l'homme
Gros plan de l'iPhone mockup à côté du visage de l'homme
iPhone Pocket Mockup
iPhone Pocket Mockup
Man in light shirt holding iPhone mockup from the top
Man in light shirt holding iPhone mockup from the top
Man in light shirt holding iPhone with a one hand
Man in light shirt holding iPhone with a one hand
Mockup of a landscape iPhone held by man in light shirt
Mockup of a landscape iPhone held by man in light shirt
Man in shirt holding iPhone in front of his face
Man in shirt holding iPhone in front of his face
