Man working on the MacBook Pro in coworking space

Lady using a MacBook Air mockup with a cup of coffee at the side

MacBook Air mockup used in a business meeting

MacBook Air mockup in front of a taskboard

Woman using a MacBook Air mockup

MacBook Air mockup next to the smartphone

MacBook Air mockup beside a cup of coffee

MacBook Pro mockup beside a cup of coffee

Person typing on a MacBook Air mockup

MacBook Air mockup on a table

MacBook Air mockup on a table beside an iPhone

MacBook Air mockup on a white background with a reading lamp at the side

MacBook Air mockup beside a basket of books

MacBook Air mockup on a white table beside a potted plant

MacBook Air mockup beside a mini calendar

MacBook Air mockup beside a white notebook

MacBook Air mockup on a table beside a notepad and a pencil

MacBook Air mockup with a notebook and pair of glasses at the side

MacBook Air mockup on a table beside an open notepad

MacBook Air mockup with an iPhone at the side

MacBook Air mockup with plain white background

MacBook Air mockup on a table with a plant vase at the side

MacBook Air mockup on a desk beside a potted plant

MacBook Air mockup with a pink calendar at the side
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