Crafter with Google Pixel 6 in his pocket

Google Pixel 6 mockup in the crafter’s overalls

Crafter holding a phone mockup

Crafter and Google Pixel 6 mockup

Crafter in overalls holding a Google Pixel 6 mockup

Crafter puts the phone in the pocket

Mechanic holding a Google Pixel 6 mockuô

Google Pixel 6 mockup in the carpentry workshop

Google Pixel 6 mockup in carpenter's hand

Mockup of Google Pixel 6 placed on wooden boards

Google Pixel 6 mockup placed on a workdesk

Google Pixel 6 mockup in wooden environment

Google Pixel 6 mockup on wooden boards

Mockup of rotated Google Pixel held by man in light shirt

Man in shirt holding Google Pixel in front of his face

Mockup of the Google Pixel held by man in two hands

Google Pixel Pocket Mockup

Man touching the top corner on the Google Pixel mockup

Man in light shirt holding Google Pixel mockup next to the face

Man in light shirt holding Google Pixel mockup from the top

Mockup of a landscape Google Pixel held by man in light shirt

Man in light shirt holding Google Pixel with a one hand

Man pulling out Google Pixel mockup from the pocket

Man holding Google Pixel mockup from the top